Grant Agencies & Organizations
American Council of Learned Societies
Research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences, including legal studies.
American Association of Law Libraries
Funds one or more projects of value to those professions that create, disseminate, or use legal and law-related information.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) is a government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities which provides assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and nonfinancial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government. Features a searchable database of federal assistance programs (e.g., a search for “legal grants” generated 69 hits, including areas such as elder law, domestic violence, disability access, higher education infrastructure and others).
Council for International Exchange of Scholars Fulbright Program
Support for short- and long-term lecturing and research opportunities abroad.
Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics
The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University invites scholars, practitioners, innovators and others committed to understanding and remedying institutional corruption to submit proposals to join our community.
This searchable database serves as a gateway to philanthropy on Web. It includes an online librarian, foundation finder, foundation profiles, and much more.
This site is a directory of charitable grantmakers. Browse the directory, choose a foundation, and search the organizations homepage. Fundraising software and products are also available.
Searchable database of all open federal grants.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Fellowships for advanced professionals in all fields except the performing arts.
Funds ideas, pilot projects and field tests, best practice studies, commercial products and investments for new digital projects (including innovative blogs) that will improve news for specific geographic communities.
Law School Admission Council Research Grants
Funds empirical research related to legal education in the United States and Canada from any of a variety of methodologies, but not including doctrinal studies, curricular development for a particular law school, conferences, symposia, casebooks, or other course-specific material.
Kluge Fellowships to support research using the Library of Congress collections
National Council of University Research Administrators
National Council of University Research Administrators is primarily a members-only site for academic administrators of grant programs. However, they have a “Resources” page that includes lists of funding agencies and groups, agency forms and other resources.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Supports advanced research in the humanities that contributes to scholarly knowledge or to the general public’s understanding of the humanities.
Fellowships for advanced study in the humanities for individuals from the natural and social sciences, arts, professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects.
Funding for proposals relating to policy issues in crime, violence and the administration of justice in diverse cultural contexts.
Law and Social Science Grants to support social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules, institutions, processes, and behaviors; includes studies of comparative and international law.
We are interested in how law functions in society and in law as a social institution. We fund research that is likely to shed light on policy or practice, and practical innovation for evaluation and experiment.
Princeton University Law and Public Affairs Fellows Program
Residential fellowships to research, discuss, and collaborate on topics broadly related to law and public affairs.
Public Health Law Research offers long-term, short-term and rapid-response funding for projects at the intersection of law and public health.
Richard & Diane Cummins Legal History Research Grant
The Cummins Grant provides a stipend of $10,000 to support short-term historical research using Special Collections at GW’s Jacob Burns Law Library, which is noted for its continental historical legal collections, especially its French collection. Special Collections also is distinguished by its holdings in Roman and canon law, church-state relations, international law, and its many incunabula.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Substance Abuse Policy Research Program
Support for projects focusing on analyzing and informing public and private policies aimed at reducing the harm caused by alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and multiple-substance abuse by experts in public health, law, political science, medicine, sociology, criminal justice, economics, psychology, and other behavioral and policy sciences.
Scaife Foundation: Carthage, Sarah
Grants primarily directed toward public policy programs that address major domestic and international issues.
Social Science Research Council Abe Fellowship
Support for international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern.
Society of Research Administrator’s GrantsWeb
A research grant seekers heaven, SRAS GrantsWeb provides links to various government, foundation, and private funding resources.
Soros Sentencing & Incarceration Alternatives Project
Funding for policy reform and research initiatives to eliminate race and class disparities in sentencing and incarceration; reduce the length of criminal sentences; promote alternatives to incarceration that emphasize rehabilitation and treatment; limit prison growth and prison privatization; and empower communities most affected by mass incarceration to develop and advocate for alternative policies to incarceration.
Funds projects fitting within: Relation Between Education and Social Opportunity; Organizational Learning in Schools, School Systems, and Higher Education Institutions; Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Resources; and Purposes and Values of Education.
United States Department of Justice
Funding opportunities to conduct research, support law enforcement activities in state and local jurisdictions; to provide training and technical assistance; and to implement programs that improve the criminal justice system.
United States Justice Fund/Open Society Institute
Funding for research projects with topics ranging from litigation to public education to coalition-building to grassroots mobilization to action that identify a clear policy goal.
University Center for Human Values Laurence S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowships
Fellowships for outstanding scholars and teachers interested in writing about ethics and human values.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Fellowships
Residential fellowship for outstanding project proposals in a broad range of the social sciences and humanities on national or international issues, especially those related to key public policy challenges.
Grant Writing
Foundation Center, Proposal Writing Resources
National Institutes of Health, All About Grants Tutorials
National Science Foundation, A Guide for Proposal Writing
Social Science Research Council, The Art of Writing (SSRC) Proposals
Archana Sridhar (University of Toronto), Grantsmanship and the University: Five Strategies for Grant Professionals Working with Faculty
University of Washington Libraries, Proposal-Writing Resources
University of Wisconsin Library, Proposal Writing Websites
Online Education Database, 100+ Places to Find Funding
University of Washington Libraries, Grant and Funding Information Service