Category Archives: Law and Society

Call for Papers: Law, Society and the Social Good

The Mid-Atlantic Law and Society Association will host its Inaugural Conference at the Earle Mack School of Law, Drexel University, in Philadelphia, PA, on October 19-20, 2012.  Proposals for Individual…

Critical Legal Conference: Gardens of Justice – Stockholm, Sweden

The School of Computer Science and Communication at KTH, the Faculty of Law at Lund University, and the Department of Law at the University of Gothenburg  are conducting the 2012…

Rechtskulturen (Legal Cultures) Workshop — Berlin, Germany

On April 28, 2012, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is holding a symposium titled “Secularisation: History, Meaning, and Scope.” A synopsis and itinerary is available here or you may consult the conference homepage.mmb

Midwest Law and Society Retreat – Madison, WI

The University of Wisconsin Law School Institute for Legal Studies hosts the Midwest Law and Society Retreat Sept. 21-22, 2012.  Organizers encourage graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars to participate….

Call for Papers: Journal of Law and Courts

The new (forthcoming 2013) peer-reviewed Journal of Law and Courts invites submissions from all scholars interested in legal institutions, actors, processes, and policy. The call for papers is here. mw

Book Proposals – Interdisciplinary Topics

The University of Akron School of Law and the University of Akron Press announce a new book series, &LAW. The series aims to examine legal problems and issues across a…

Intellectual Property Protection of Luxury Goods–Hong Kong

The Law and Technology Center at the University of Hong Kong will host a conference entitled Charting the New Frontiers of Intellectual Property Protection of Luxury Goods June 15–16, 2012….

Treatment Choices at the End of Life–Saint Paul, MN

The Hamline University School of Law, the Hamline Law Review, and Hamline Law’s Health Law Institute will co-host a symposium entitled Honoring Patients’ Treatment Choices at the End of Life:…

Relationship Between Academic Research and Policy Development, Law Reform – London, UK

The Law Society research conference, Shaping Policy, Changing Law, will take place Oct. 12, 2012. The organizers invite papers from academics on the relationship between academic research and policy development…

Call for Papers: Changing Faces in Legal Thinking: Revisiting Legal Methodologies – Ithaca, NY

The graduate students at Cornell University Law School will be hosting the Eighth Cornell Law School Inter-University Graduate Student Conference April 13 & 14th, 2012 in Ithaca, NY. The theme…