Call for articles: Revue d’Etudes Benthamiennes

logo-centrebenthamThe Bentham Centre is seeking articles on law and literature for publication in the Revue d’Etudes Benthamiennes (REB).

The REB is seeking to publish papers relying on the methodology of “Law and Literature” studies to shed new light on the works and thinking of Bentham and his followers and, conversely, identify what Bentham’s theory of fiction or evidence – for instance – may bring to the field.

Deadline: Please send proposals (in French or in English) of around 500 words and a short biography to Emmanuelle de Champs (edechamps[@] and Claire Wrobel (claire.wrobel[@] by January 30, 2013. (Note: this date is later than the original deadline, but it has been confirmed as correct by the editors of REB.)  im