Call for Examples of Assessment in Law Schools

Prof. Gerald F. Hess, the Co-Director of the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning (Gonzaga University School of Law and Washburn University School of Law) seeks examples of how law schools assess programs.

Michael Hunter Schwartz, Sophie Sparrow, and I are working on a book on assessment in law schools.In this book, we would like to include examples of how law schools are already assessing their programs and the institution as a whole; for most of us, having actual examples would be extraordinarily helpful.

We have some examples already, both reflecting our own efforts and from other law schools. We are interested in learning more about the variety of ways in which law schools are engaging in this process, and can share ideas about what they have learned from these experiences.

We know that many schools have engaged in a variety of different kinds of programmatic and institutional assessments, including curriculum mapping, and we would like to hear about your experiences. If you are willing to have one of us contact you about your school’s programmatic or institutional assessment practices, please email sophie.sparrow [at]

(We are currently not looking for examples of assessment at the student or course level).

Depending on the preference of your school, examples can be attributed or anonymous.

We hope to hear from you.

Gerald F. Hess
Professor of Law
Co-Director, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning
Gonzaga University School of Law
PO Box 3528, Spokane, WA, 99220-3528
(509) 313-3779
ghess [at]
