Juan E. Mendez (International Center for Transitional Justice)
Michael O’Hear (Marquette Law), Explain Yourself: Procedural Reasonableness in Federal Sentencing After Rita v. United States
Harvard Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics
Darius Lakdawalla (Rand Corporation), The Welfare Effects of Medical Malpractice Liability
Matt Stephenson (Harvard Law), Political Accountability under Alternative Institutional Regimes
Christopher Springman (Virginia Law), The Emergence of IP Norms in Stand-Up Comedy
New York University Law and Society
Maneesha Deckha (Victoria Law), Racialized Animals and Animalized Cultures: Species, Intersectionality and Posthumanist Justice
Justin McCrary (Berkeley Law), Crime, Punishment, and Myopia
Santa Clara Social Justice Workshop
Joaquin Avila (Seattle University Law), Obstacles to Latina/o Political Empowerment and Solutions