CFP: State Accountability Conference – London, United Kingdom

Abstracts are now being accepted for a conference on State Accountability under Private, Public, and International Law to be held November 9, 2019 at the the London School of Economics and Political Science in London, UK. The Keynote will be given by Professor Donal Nolan of the University of Oxford.

The accountability of states for unlawful actions they commit or wrongful losses they inflict presents theoretical and practical challenges. For instance, the applicability of certain doctrines is contested; the line between a wrongful or unlawful action, and a permitted one, can be blurry; and procedural hurdles can frustrate potential claims. This conference, which will be held at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Law on November 9, 2019, seeks to examine the concept of state accountability from three distinct perspectives: private law, public law, and international law. We invite submissions that address the theme of state accountability, broadly construed, by way of wide-ranging topics, including but not limited to:
• Accountability and liability of public authorities and officials
• Compensation, restitution, or satisfaction
• Direct and vicarious liability
• Exceptions to, and immunities from, accountability and liability
• Settlements and ex gratia payments
• Apologies
• Regulation of private actors
• Collective responsibility
• Standing
Submission of abstracts
Please send an abstract of no more than 750 words and a short bio to the following email address: by August 30, 2019. Late submissions will not be considered. Successful submissions will be notified by September 8, 2019, and will be invited to attend the conference’s official dinner.
Questions or comments may be directed to

About the author

Library Technology Specialist, West Virginia University College of Law