The European Consortium for Political Research will hold its annual Joint Sessions of Workshops at the Universidad de Salamanca on April 10-15, 2014. One of the workshops will be on “Authority and Control in International Organisations.” The workshop outline is here.
Proposal deadline: December 1, 2013, and can be submitted here.
We welcome theoretical and empirical papers that address one or several of the workshop’s research questions. Most of the papers will focus on either one of them (be it who has authority in IOs or how is authority in IOs controlled). We encourage papers from different epistemological and ontological backgrounds and particularly those who want to transcend the established dividing lines in our field of study. We are interested in comparative and mixed-methods approaches, allowing to go beyond individual case studies. We do not narrow down our analytical focus to specific policy fields or specific organisations. The workshop seeks to achieve a sound balance between beginning and more established scholars in the field.