The Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law presents International Congress on: Global-regional-local. Institutions, relations, networks. Past and future of the sociology of law May 21-23, 2014. The deadline for papers is Jan. 21, 2014; the deadline for panels is Feb. 3, 2014.
[W]e invite abstracts on all topics connected with the general theme of the congress but specially welcome on the themes as numerated below:
- Transitional Justice.
- Access to justice.
- Juvenile delinquency.
- Impact of legal reform implemented recently in the Basque Country.
- The measures adopted by youth courts.
- Civil mediation and cross-border trafficking of people.
- Institutional, and normative connections between law and social systems on international, regional and local level.
- Legal systems and new social movements.
- Sociology of constitutions and constitutionalism.
- 25years after the communism; reflections and evaluations.
- Legal systems and globalisation.
- Changing nature of socio-legal knowledge.
- Challenges to teaching socio-legal research.
- Sociology of Legal Education.
- Social Inequalities and Legal Institutions.