Law School Admissions Council Research Grants Deadlines

The Law School Admission Council invites grant proposals.

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Research Grant Program funds research on a wide variety of topics related to the mission of LSAC. Specifically included in the program’s scope are projects investigating precursors to legal training, selection into law schools, legal education, and the legal profession. To be eligible for funding, a research project must inform either the process of selecting law students or legal education itself in a demonstrable way. Projects will be funded for amounts up to $200,000.

Proposals will be judged on the importance of the questions addressed, their relevance to the mission of LSAC, the quality of the research designs, and the capacity of the researchers to carry out the project. Eligible investigators need not be members of law school faculties. Proposals from interdisciplinary teams of law faculty and researchers from outside law schools are strongly encouraged.

Proposals should include a cover sheet, summary, project description (problem statement, literature review, and research methods), work plan and timetable, dissemination plan, budget, curriculum vitae, and supporting documents. The proposal should be double-spaced and printed in a font not smaller than 12-point. Submit two hard copies plus an electronic copy in PDF format to

Ann Gallagher Law School Admission Council 662 Penn Street PO BOX 40 Newtown, PA 18940-0040,  agallagher[@]

Deadline: Review cycle deadlines are September 1 and February 1. im