Asian Legal Studies: New Issues and New Scholarship – Singapore

The Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) and Asian Law Institute (ASLI) at the National University of Singapore are welcome papers for presentation at the Centre’s Young Scholars Workshop 2013 December 5-6,2013. Law and society topics are encouraged.

Consistently with the aims and purposes of CALS & ASLI, the workshop is intended to cultivate the next generation of Asian law scholarship. Early career academics, doctoral students, and young legal professionals with an interest in scholarship, are encouraged to apply. Paper-givers will be selected through a competitive process and will have their travel and accommodation expenses covered.

Deadlines: Abstracts of proposed papers and bio-data should not exceed 300 words each, and are to be submitted by email to cals[@] by June 10, 2013. Papers (8000-10,000 words) must be submitted by October 14, 2013. im