Legal Perspectives on the Victim — Nottingham, UK

Nottingham Law School’s Centre for Conflict, Rights & Justice presents Legal Perspectives on the Victim Dec. 19, 2012. Abstracts are due by Oct. 1, 2012.

The theme of ‘the victim’ is multi-faceted and multi-layered, and the conceptualisation of the victim in various guises will be of interest to a broad range of scholars and practitioners from a variety of legal, socio-legal and criminological perspectives. It has particular topicality at the moment due to a proposed EU Directive on minimum standards of rights, support and protection for victims of crime which will have major consequences for the legal definition of the victim in the UK and across Europe. However the concept of the victim also covers, amongst other things, ‘victim status’ within human rights law, the victimhood of those subjected to miscarriages of justice as well as victims in the areas of family law, commercial law and finance.

Hat tip: Calling All Papers!