Call for Papers – Developing Countries and the WTO

The WTO Chair at FLACSO-Argentina opens a call for papers and essays for the FLACSO- WTO Chairs Award, 2011 Edition. The award recognizes and rewards creative, pro-active and soundly argued works on developing countries and the World Trade Organization. It is primarily intended for young professors and researchers on international trade from various perspectives such as law, economics, political science, among others. The deadline for submission is Oct. 3, 2011.

The general topic is developing countries and the WTO. Theoretical works as much as empirical or case studies are welcome. Papers and essays may deal with institutional and political aspects as well economic and social impacts of the multilateral trading system.In particular, for the 2011 Edition we welcome papers addressing:

  • Developing Countries and the Global Trading System;
  • Intellectual Property;
  • Trade in Natural Resources;
  • Trade and Climate Change;
  • Trade and Food Safety;
  • Special and Differential Treatment;

This list of issues is illustrative and not exhaustive.


The FLACSO – WTO Chair will award US$ 1.000,00 (one thousand US dollars) to the author/s of the best paper/essay and US$ 500 (five hundred US dollars) and certificate to the author/s of the paper/essay that merits a Special Mention.

Winners will be selected by a Committee formed by FLACSO’s researchers and invited experts.

Deadline and Publication of the Results
Deadline: October 3, 2011.
Result of the FLACSO – WTO Chair Award: December 2, 2011.

Papers and essays submitted must be non published material. They could be individual or collective works, written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. We will not accept more than one essay or paper per person or group. The minimum extension of the paper is 30 pages, spaced 1,5, arial font 11; while the maximum extension accepted is 50 pages. The identification of the author and other details such as names of all co-authors affiliations, addresses for general correspondence and e-mail address of each author, and a brief personal profile of the author/s (maximum 100 words) should appear on the cover (and will be removed when given to evaluators).

If submission is made through surface mail, papers must be posted by
October 3, 2011.

Presentation’s Form
Papers or essays could be submitted by e mail – pdf format – or by surface mail.
The address for e-mail submission is: catedraomc [at]

For surface mail
FLACSO – WTO Chair Award
Ayacucho 551
1426 CABA

Additional Information
For further information, please contact (54-11) 5238-9459 or by e-mail, catedraomc [at]
