Smartphones and the Fourth Amendment – Washington, DC

The UDC Law Review will host “Smartphones and the Fourth Amendment: The Future of Privacy in Our Hands” in spring 2012. Submissions are due Sept. 30, 2011. The full call for papers follows the jump.
The University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law seeks submissions for its 2012 Annual Law Review Symposium. This year’s theme is “Smartphones and the Fourth Amendment: The Future of Privacy in Our Hands” The conference date is to be determined, but will be in the Spring of 2012. For more information about the conference, please visit

This Symposium seeks to explore the constitutional implications of smartphone technology, focused on the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The smartphone as currently developed implicates existing Fourth Amendment doctrine involving data privacy, email privacy, phone privacy, photo privacy, workplace privacy, GPS tracking technology, cloud technology, social media, the Third Party Doctrine, and generalized expectations of privacy. Participants in the Symposium will address how existing Fourth Amendment protections can be applied to this new technology. Panels will address discrete issues arising from current law enforcement practice of warrantless GPS tracking, subpoenas to third party providers such as cell phone companies, work email privacy after the Supreme Court’s decision in City of Ontario v. Quon, 130 S.Ct. 2619, (2010). Cloning of cell phone hardrives during traffic stops, and the expectation of privacy on information stored on cloud computing systems and smartphone systems. In addition, the Symposium seeks to synthesize a working metaphor to analyze Fourth Amendment issues for future information technology developments.

This symposium will attempt to address these and other questions from the perspective of advocates, practitioners, and scholars. The symposium will be an opportunity for participants and audience members to freely exchange ideas about the future of the Fourth Amendment’s reasonable expectation of privacy and the smartphone.

To submit a paper proposal, please submit an abstract by 5 p.m. on September 30, 2011 to Symposium Editor Tracy Jackson at udclawreviewsymposium [at] . In the subject line of your submission you must type: Abstract law review submission. Your submission must contain your full contact information, including an email, phone number, and mailing address where you can be reached. Abstracts should be no longer than one page. All papers need to follow a strictly academic format. We will notify presenters of selected papers in mid-October. All working drafts of papers will be due no later than February 13, 2012. All selected abstracts will be posted on the UDC Law Review Symposium website to be shared with other participants and attendees.

To be eligible for publication in the UDC Law Review, submissions must not be published elsewhere. Typically, the UDC Law Review publishes pieces ranging from 25-45 pages in length, using 12-point times new roman font and one-inch margins.

Finally, please note that money is not available to presenters for travel expenses. We look forward to your submissions. If you have any further questions, please contact Law Review Symposium Editor Tracy Jackson at udclawreviewsymposium [at]
mw (Slight corrections made July 28, 2011.)