The American Historical Association holds its annual meeting in San Diego, Jan. 7-10, 2010.
Legal scholars might be interested in, among others:
- Events of the AHA Working Group for Historical Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage (15 events over the 4 days of the conference)
- An Archeology of Agency in the Civil Law Tradition: Early Modern Spain, France, and Colonial Spanish America
- The Law and Its Uses? A View from South America
- A World of Hurt: Medieval Marriage Practice and Law in a Century of Crisis
- Control, Discipline, and Order in Modern China
- (Dis)Inheriting Slavery: Property, Power, and Belief in the Last Requests of Masters and Slaves
- Recursive Subjects: Sexuality and the State in South Asia
- Mutiny Beyond the Line: Sexual Subjugation in the White Supremacist South and the African American Sedition, 193051
- Disability in Global Perspective
- Drugs in Chains: The Illicit Commodity in World History
- Fathers of Illegitimate Children in Public Policy and the Courts: Chile, Brazil, and the Anglophone Caribbean from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty First Centuries
- Educational Equality and the Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Schools, Head Start, and the Supreme Court