Chad Oldfather (Marquette Law), A Consequentialist Analysis of Universal De Novo Review
NYU Law, Economics, and Politics
Maggie Penn (Harverd University-Government), The Possibility of Statehood
Susan A. Bandes (DePaul Law), Victims, “Closure,” and the Sociology of Emotion
Elena Baylis (Pitt Law), Early Adopters: Congolese Military Courts and the International Criminal Court Statute
Pittsburgh Center for Bioethics and Health Law
Robert Nachtigall (UCSF), The Disposition Decision: How Post-IVF Couples Decide What to Do with Their Surplus Frozen Embryos
Dale A. Carpenter (Minnesota Law), Traditionalism and Gay Marriage
UCLA Law, Economics, and Organizations
Ed McCaffery (USC Law), Explorations in the Theory of Optimal Consumption Taxes