Call for Papers: Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues

The Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues invites you to submit original, scholarly work to be considered for its forthcoming issues. Currently, we are accepting papers on any legal topic of your choice. Papers should not exceed 20,000 words including footnotes. Footnotes should conform to the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide, 7th edition).

As an inter-disciplinary law journal, the WRLSI strives to use the study of law as a vehicle for social change.

Deadlines: July 30, 2012, and October 15, 2012 (see below for further details). im

Deadline for abstracts (optional) – June 15, 2012
Deadline for manuscripts – July 30, 2012
Expected date of publication – December 2012

Deadline for abstracts (optional) – October 15, 2012
Deadline for manuscripts – December 3, 2012
Expected date of publication – April 2013

FURTHER INFORMATION: Submissions received after these deadlines will be reviewed at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Questions can be directed to:wrlsi[@]