Call for Papers: Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy

Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth

The Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth at Georgia State University College of Law seeks submissions for the second edition of the Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy.  Submissions that align with the international and comparative focus of the journal in the following areas will be considered:  land use; equitable and sustainable development; taxation and infrastructure finance; social mix, affordable housing, and housing finance; historic preservation; and climate change, environmental law, and greenspace preservation. Research articles, notes on recent developments and book reviews will also be considered.

The Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy is a resource for lawyers, planners, policy-makers and scholars working on metropolitan growth issues and interested in learning more about how cities around the world tackle the same issues. It launched in May 2017 as an open-access, online journal with articles resulting from the Study Space Program offered annually by the Center.  Subscriptions to the journal are free by joining the email list.

Submissions should be made online on the journal’s webpage. A decision will be made within six weeks of submission.

Pre-submission inquiries should be directed to Julian Juergensmeyer, editor in chief, at jjuergensmeyer[@] or Karen Johnston, managing editor, at kjohnston3[@]



About the author

Reference Librarian, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University