Taking Responsibility for One’s Own Data Privacy and Security-Is it Possible, and How – Philadelphia, PA

University of Pennsylvania Law School (Penn Law)

The Center for Technology, Innovation and Competition at the University of Pennsylvania Law School presents, “Taking Responsibility for One’s Own Data Privacy and Security-Is it Possible, and How?” April 24, 2015.

The rapid emergence of ubiquitous computing, widely available wireless connectivity, and “big data” has prompted an increased public interest in information privacy and data security. While individuals differ in their associations with—and definitions for—these topics, recent polls have shown that a majority feel that their privacy is being challenged but are less certain about solutions to this problem.

In recent years, a great deal of technical and legal research has been conducted on these topics, much of which has focused on the duties and capabilities of the technology manufacturers, providers, and resellers. Less well explored are the questions the focus on the user: What can individual consumers of technology do to protect their privacy? Are there hybrid provider-user approaches that might do a better job of protecting privacy than a sole focus on the technology provider? Are there cognitive aspects that providers may need to take into account when enabling user-controlled privacy? Are there generational differences regarding the concept of privacy altogether?

About the author

Reference Librarian, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University