CFP: Indicators and the Ecology of Governance—New York, NY

Institute for International Law and Justice - New York University (NYU)

On July 6-7, 2015, the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ) at New York University School of Law will convene a conference on “Indicators and the Ecology of Governance.” The IILJ is requesting papers relating to this topic. Draft papers should be sent to by May 15, 2015.

This Call for Papers seeks to bring forward new work, whether case studies or theoretical in any relevant discipline, and to put authors (whether senior or junior, and academics or practitioners) in dialogue with scholars who have been involved in some of the recent publications listed below.  The starting point is that indicators are simply one technology of governance among many.  Individual indicators exist in increasingly dense and fast-moving environments in which they interact with numerous other indicators and other technologies and modes of governance.  These dynamic ecological features have not been studied sufficiently, nor have their implications for institutions, law, resistance, and power-knowledge frameworks been very fully considered.

For more information, please see the complete call.

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