April 14, 2008 Colloquia/Workshops


Adrienne Davis (Virginia Law), Slavery & Shadow Families: Re-Thinking Miscegenation Regulation Through the Lens of Case

Harvard Legal History

Cynthia Nicoletti (Harvard Law, Berger Fellow), The American Civil War as a Trial by Battle

Georgetown Law & Philosophy

Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke Philosophy), A Hybrid Theory of Claim-Rights


Anup Malani (Chicago Law)


Vicki Jackson (Georgetown Law), Constitutional Cosmology: Convergence, Resistance, and Engagement

Northwestern Law & Economics

Oliver Hart (Harvard Economics), Hold-up, Asset Ownership, and Reference Points


Jack Goldsmith (Harvard Law), Constitutional Law, International Law, Public Law

Seton Hall

Errol Mendes (Ottawa Common Law)

St. John’s

Jean Braucher (Arizona Law), The Supreme Court’s 5-4 Rejection of Textualist Interpretation of the Bankruptcy Code in Marrana v. Citizens Bank of Massachusetts

Stanford Internet & Society

James Fishkin (Stanford Communication), An Online Experiment in Democracy: Deliberative Polling for Democratic Reform


Salil Mehra (Temple Law)

UC Berkeley

Alison Morantz (Stanford Law), Rethinking the Great Compromise: What Happens When Large Companies Opt Out of Workers Compensation?

UCLA Faculty Mondays

Gia Lee (UCLA Law), Free Speech Deference

USC Law, Economics & Organization

Devah Pager (Princeton Sociology), Race at Work: A Field Experiment of Discrimination in Low-Wage Labor Markets

Vanderbilt Faculty Presentations

Nancy King (Vanderbilt Law)

Yale Corporate Law

Gary J. Wolfe (Seward & Kissel), Golden Ocean–Taking Supertankers from Junk Bonds to Restructuring Bankruptcy to (Someone Else’s) Profit, and Fighting Every Step of the Way